Bayou Wolf Press
Bringing you books with freckles and glasses
Mike and Elizabeth are a husband-wife team who met and fell in love because of books. (Well, graduate school, to be more precise, but there sure was a hell of a lot of reading.) After completing degrees in higher education to pursue their love of literature, and after years of getting the runaround from agents and publishers who liked their stuff but just couldn’t figure out how to sell it, Mike and Elizabeth decided... Nah! With two BAs, two MAs, an MFA, and a PhD between us, plus years of combined experience in writing, editing, and publishing, we’re not going to keep sitting around and waiting for other people to make our dreams come true.
Bayou Wolf Press was built out of a mixture of hard work, frustration, hope, rejection, passion, Count of Monte Cristo-style revenge fantasies, and too many Cadbury Mini Eggs. We’re starting out as each other’s editors and publishing team, because we have the experience and the talent between us, but we will also slowly expand to find others who similarly have the goods and the work ethic but just need someone to take a chance on them. If this is your first draft of your first completed manuscript, we probably aren’t the droids you’re looking for. If this is your fourth or fifth book and you’ve done workshops and critique partners and gotten almost there with a publisher or an agent and no matter what you’re going to keep writing but it would just feel damn good to have one person in your corner saying they believe in you... Hi. Let’s talk.
Meet the Team

Elizabeth Gilliland Rands
Co-founder and Editor
Elizabeth is a writer, editor, teacher, mom, and an unrepentant chocolate junkie. She received her BA from Brigham Young University (Theatre Studies with an emphasis in playwriting), her MA from the University of Westminster (Screenwriting and Production), and her PhD from Louisiana State University (19th Century British Literature and Film with a minor in Women’s and Gender Studies). Previous gigs include being a content editor and proofreader for Xchyler Publishing, an editor for Creating Keepsakes magazine, and the owner of Gilliland Ghostwriting.

Mike Rands
Co-founder and editor
Mike is a fiction writer, blogger, podcaster, professor of English and Creative Writing, and father of a cute baby. Born and raised in South Africa, Mike has worked as a television writer, ESL teacher (in Japan), and done a bunch of other random jobs to help boost his writing credentials. (Full list available on request). He has an MFA from Louisiana State University, and a BA and MA from the University of Cape Town.
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